Jaw Fractures
Make sure your jaw fracture heals properly with oral surgery.
All jaw fractures will require treatment to set the bone and stabilize it so it can heal properly. Stabilization can occur through a variety of techniques, including wiring the jaw shut or using plates and screws to hold the jaw together; which method used will depend on the exact location and severity of your fracture.
Gum Surgery
Take care of your smile with gum surgery.
There are two primary types of gum surgery: gum grafting and gum removal. Typically, a gum graft is performed when periodontal disease is present, but it can also be used to treat gums that have receded due to tooth position, having naturally thin gums, and physical trauma. With a gum graft, tissue is removed from another area in your and added to the gum line. Gum removal, the second type of gum surgery, is typically performed for cosmetic reasons and can improve the look of your smile.
TMJ Surgery
Take care of severe TMD with TMJ corrective jaw surgery.
A disorder of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is often referred to by the acronym TMD. If you’ve been diagnosed with TMD and other non-surgical treatments have not helped, or your condition is caused by a specific problem with the joint, TMJ corrective jaw surgery may be performed. Depending on your specific case, we will determine if you require an arthroscopy, arthroplasty, or prosthetic joint replacement.